English Language and Vocabulary used in Human
Resource Management
Hire and fire
If you ' hire ' someone, you
employ them.
We hired him on a six month
I hear that they are not hiring
people at the moment because of budget problems.
If you 'fire' somebody, you
dismiss them from their job, usually because of something they did.
I had to fire Sally because she kept
on making mistakes.
If you don't improve, they may
decide to fire you.
If you 'make somebody redundant',
you dismiss them from their job for economic reasons.
They are closing down the factory
and making 500 people redundant.
I was made redundant from my last
If you 'recruit' people, you
persuade them to work for you.
We need to recruit more young
It's difficult to recruit people
because our pay is so low.
If you 'headhunt' someone for
a job, you approach them because you think they are well-qualified for the job
and offer them the job.
We need to look at the people doing
similar jobs in other companies and headhunt the best one.
He was headhunted at great expense
but the job didn't work out and he left.
If you 'hand in (or give in) your
notice', you tell your employer that you are going to leave the company.
She handed in her notice this
morning and is leaving at the end of the month.
He gave in his notice and they told
him he could leave straight away.
If a company 'gives someone notices',
they tell them that they are going to lose their jobs.
The company only gave me three days'
notice that I was being made redundant.
We have to give her two months'
notice that we are letting her go.
If an employer 'sacks'
someone, they fire them.
They sacked me without notice after
ten years with the company.
I hear they intend to sack him
because of his bullying.
If you 'get the sack' or are 'given
the sack', you are fired.
He was given the sack because he
kept arriving late.
If I keep making mistakes, I'm going
to get the sack.
'Severance pay' is money paid to workers when they are made redundant.
The redundant workers were given 26
weeks' severance pay.
After ten years, I got three days'
notice and no severance pay.
If you take legal action against
your employer for 'unfair dismissal', you claim that they dismissed you
for no good reason.
He is suing them for unfair dismissal
as he says he was only ever late once.
Dismiss me and I'll take you to
court for unfair dismissal. I've done nothing to deserve this.
If you take legal action against
your employer for 'constructive dismissal', you claim that you were
forced to leave your job because of the actions/behavior of your employer.
She is making a claim for
constructive dismissal because she claims her immediate boss bullied her.
I'm sure you have the grounds for a
complaint of constructive dismissal.
'Pay' is money that you get from your employer, either as a wage
or as a salary.
What are the pay and conditions for
the job?
Pay rates in the industry are very
'Back pay' is money owed to you by your employer for work done in the
past which has not yet been paid.
I'm still owed 3 months back pay for
the overtime I did before Christmas.
The company cannot afford to give
you the back pay it owes you.
A 'pay cut' is a reduction in
the amount of pay you are given.
We are asking you all to accept a
pay cut of 10% to keep the company going.
He has the stark choice of accepting
a pay cut or losing his job.
A 'pay rise' is an increase
in pay.
We are looking for a pay rise in
line with inflation.
I'm going to ask my boss for a pay
A 'pay rate' is the amount
per hour (or some other period) that you pay.
The pay rate is $12 an hour.
The industry cannot attract good
quality workers because of the low pay rates.
'Net pay' is the amount earned after deductions (usually for social
security and pensions and perhaps for tax.)
The gross pay is $12 an hour but net
pay is only $9.50 an hour.
He said he is only earning $5 an
hour but that is his net pay, not his gross.
'Equal pay' means that men and women get the same pay for doing the
same job.
The women workers are asking for
equal pay with the men.
In this country, if you don't give
the women equal pay, you could go to jail.
An 'itemized pay statement' contains
a detailed breakdown of the pay you have earned and the deductions taken from
The bank wants me to give them my
itemized pay statements for the last six months.
The law states that employees must
receive itemized pay statements.
'Performance-related pay' is where the amount you are paid depends on the
quality/quantity of your work.
Since we introduced
performance-related pay, production has doubled.
They may need the incentive of
performance-related pay.
A 'pay scale' is a range of
different pay rates which people will receive depending on various factors
(e.g. their grade in the company, their qualifications, their years in the
We have six grades on our pay scale.
You will start on the bottom one.
Perhaps we need to change our pay
scale to take account of the loyalty people have shown us?
'gross salary' is the salary before anything is deducted for contributions
and tax.
Her gross salary is £50 000 but
obviously she takes home considerably less than that.
He earns £40 000 a year gross.
'net salary' is the salary that you are paid after deductions have made
My gross salary is around £60 000
but the net is around £48 000.
The net salary is the gross salary
minus the deductions the employer makes for contributions and tax.
'deductions' are payments made by the employer for an employee to health
and pension schemes based on the gross salary.
Although my gross salary seems good,
after deductions, I haven't very much left.
The details of the deductions are on
your pay statement. You can see what you are paying.
'income tax' is the tax which is paid on the money you earn.
In the UK, income tax is deducted
directly from your salary and paid to the state.
In some countries, you have to
complete an income tax return annually to calculate the tax to be paid.
'rate' is the amount you are paid per hour, week or month of work.
I don't know what the standard rate
is for this type of work.
Some people are paid on piece rate.
They are paid by their output, not by the time it takes.
The 'basic state pension' is
the money paid on retirement to everyone who has paid contributions for the
required number of years.
Although I contribute to the state
pension fund, I also pay into a private one too.
The basic state pension is very low,
too low for a decent standard of living.
The 'national minimum wage'
is the minimum an employee can be paid per hour of work.
Everyone here is paid a rate that is
better than the minimum wage.
The national minimum wage varies
according to age. Young people are paid less than adults.
The 'equal pay' law states
that employers must pay the same to men and women who are doing the same or
similar jobs.
Equal pay for women is the law but
many are still paid less than their male colleagues.
Each year, there are many cases
where women take their employer to court to fight for equal pay.
'overtime' is a higher rate of pay for working more than the usual
hours or unsocial hours.
When I work on Sundays, I am paid
I do a lot more hours than in my
contract but I don't get paid overtime.
A 'bonus' is an extra amount
of money paid as a reward on top of your fixed salary.
We usually get a bonus at Christmas
depending on how well the company has done.
Every year, usually in January, we
receive a bonus. It is a discretionary bonus related to your performance.
'commission' is paid to people in sales based on the amounts of goods
- Working here I get paid a fixed salary and commission
based on my sales.
- I get paid a commission on the deals I negotiate.
People who are 'hourly paid'
are paid a fixed rate for each hour that they work and not a fixed salary for a
year or task.
- He isn't a salaried employee, he is hourly paid.
- For everyone who is hourly paid, wages are paid weekly.
'benefits' are the extras that you are given by your employer on top
of your salary. These may include private health insurance, a private pension,
company car.
- Although my gross salary is not high for the sector, I
get a lot of extra benefits.
- He has a very good benefits package including a car and
private health insurance.
A 'taxable benefit' is a
benefit which is considered as part of your income and therefore included in
the income to be declared for tax.
- The value of the company car is included in my income.
It is a taxable benefit.
- Meals in the canteen, drinks and parking are generally
not taxable benefits.
'expenses' are the costs that you incur doing your job that are
reimbursed by the company, notably for travel.
- When I travel, I pay for my tickets and hotels and then
claim my expenses back.
- The company is very strict about expenses. We can't
spend more than a certain amount on hotels or meals.
In order to claim expenses, you must
keep all 'receipts' for payments you have made.
- On the 30th of the month, we hand in all our receipts
for our expenses.
- When I take someone to lunch I always have to get a
receipt so that I'll be reimbursed.
If you use your own car to travel to
another location for your work, you may be able to claim
'mileage' ands be reimbursed a fixed rate per mile travelled to cover
the cost.
- It is better for the company to pay mileage than
provide company cars.
- There is a fixed rate for mileage depending on the size
of the car.
a 'pay review' is when
salaries are considered for changes.
- The unions are preparing for the negotiations in the
annual pay review.
- A lot of changes to pay grades are being considered
during the pay review. When the company closed the branch, the redundancy
pay was very generous.
'redundancy pay' is given if you lose your job and are made redundant. This
is usually related to the time you have worked for the company.
- When I lost my job, I used my redundancy pay to set up
my own company.
- When the company closed the branch, the redundancy pay
was very generous.
'notice', specified in the
terms of your contract, is the time worked between telling your employer that
you are leaving your job and actually leaving.
- I have to work out two months notice before I can start
my new job.
- When I left, I was paid my notice but I didn't have to
work it.
A 'salary' is the money you
are paid, usually monthly, for doing a job, usually non-manual.
I get a good salary but I need more
What sort of salary are they
A 'competitive salary' is a
good one for that particular job.
We are offering a very competitive
salary so we should get good applicants.
We are not recruiting the best
people because our salaries are not very competitive.
A person who gets a salary is a 'salaried
We've reduced the number of salaried
employees by 50% and replaced them by temporary workers.
It is much easier to get a loan if
you are a salaried employee.
If you need money, you can ask for 'a
salary advance'.
Can I have a salary advance? I'm
I asked my boss for a salary advance
but he refused to give me one.
If you 'undertake a salary
review', you look at all the salaries to decide which need changing.
The committee are undertaking a
salary review and will report back in a few weeks time.
We need to undertake a salary review
as our salaries are not very competitive.
'A salary scale' is the range of salaries available.
When you start, you will be at the
bottom of the salary scale but you will not stay there for long.
Our salary scale is not very
competitive compared to our competition.
If a salary is good, we can say that
it is 'attractive'.
We are offering a very attractive
salary for the job.
It is an attractive salary but I
will have to work on Saturdays.
Everybody hopes to get a 'salary
We had no salary increase this year
because the company was in trouble.
If you offer me an increase in
salary, I will stay.
The 'basic salary' is the
salary before any extras such as bonuses.
The basic salary is quite low but
there are large incentive bonuses.
I prefer to have a large basic
salary as there is more security.
When you start a job, you will
receive your 'initial salary'.
The initial salary is quite low but
you should get promoted to a better job quite quickly.
If we want to recruit better people,
we will have to offer a more competitive initial salary.
Jobs & related verbs
If you 'apply for' a job, you
ask a company for a job.
I've applied for six jobs in the
last week and haven't heard back from any of them.
We were expecting a lot of people to
apply for the job but not as many as this
If you 'are out of' a job,
you do not have any work. If you are 'put out of a job', you are made
I'm out of a job at the moment but
I'm hopeful I'll get something soon.
My biggest fear is being put of my
job. At my age, I would struggle to find another one.
If you are 'sacked from' your
job, you lose it for disciplinary, not economic, reasons.
He was sacked from his job for
I wouldn't employ somebody who had
been sacked from a previous job.
If you 'create' a job, you
establish a new job which didn't previously exist.
We've created ten new jobs in the
Production Department.
I think we need to create a new job
specifically to look after this project.
If you 'find somebody' a job,
you use your contacts to get them a job.
I'm sure I can find your son a job
in our warehouse for the summer.
Can you find me a job in your
If you 'give up' a job', you
resign from it.
I'm giving up my job and devoting
all my time to my song writing.
If you give up your job, you won't
find it easy to get another one in this economic climate.
If you 'hold down' a job, you
keep it.
I've held down this job for over three
years now.
She manages to hold down two jobs.
If you 'hunt for' a job, you
actively look for one.
She's been hunting for a job for two
months without any success.
You need to hunt for a job more
systematically; not just when you feel like it.
If you 'resign from' a job,
you give it up. (see number 6!)
He resigned from his post because he
couldn't stand the long hours.
I resigned from my previous employer
because I thought some of their sales techniques were unethical.
If you 'take up' a job, you
start it.
I'm leaving here at the end of the
week and I take up a new job with OUP next month.
It's quite difficult taking up a new
job and having to learn all the ropes
Jobs & related
An 'absorbing' job is one
that is very interesting and claims all your attention.
My job
is so absorbing that I sometimes forget to have lunch.
I get
bored in my job. I need one that is much more absorbing.
A 'badly-paid' job is one
where you receive less income than the average.
hotel industry has a lot of badly-paid jobs.
salary may sound high in absolute terms but I am comparatively badly-paid for
the job I do.
A 'boring' job is dull and
without interest.
I think
that being an accountant would be a really boring job.
you stay in a boring job if you were really well paid?
A 'casual' job is one which
is not regular or fixed.
We offer
a lot of casual jobs during the Christmas rush.
unions want us to have fewer casual jobs and more permanent employees.
A 'challenging' job is one
that is very difficult and tests a person's ability.
It is a
very challenging job and we need to find somebody who is tough mentally.
I don't
find my job very challenging any more and I need a fresh challenge.
A 'dead-end' job is one
with no hopes of promotion or advancement.
I was in
a dead-end job with no hope of further progress so I left the company.
people think they are in dead-end jobs, they lose their motivation.
An 'exacting' job is one
that requires a lot of care, effort and attention.
Being a
surgeon is a very exacting job – you can't afford to lose your concentration.
jobs are very exacting – you must get every detail right when you are running
A 'demanding' job requires
a lot of effort from you.
I have a
very demanding job. I don't have much spare time.
My job
is very physically demanding. I get very tired.
A 'part-time' job is one
where you do not work 'full-time'.
I only
want a part-time job as I have to look after my children.
company is trying to replace full-time jobs with part-time jobs to save
A 'menial' job is one with
a low social value.
I can
only find menial jobs such as cleaning.
thinks that making the coffee is a menial job and he won't do it.
A 'prestigious' job is one
that gives the person a lot of respect.
Prime Minister is a prestigious job but the salary is not all that good.
our New York office is the sort of prestigious job I am looking for.
A 'secure' job is one that
is safe from redundancy etc.
are no more secure jobs in this company. Everybody's job is at risk.
I want
to make sure that the next job I get is really secure. I'm fed up with all
this job insecurity.
The vocabulary in English to talk
about the evolution of your jobs since you began working:
If your 'career has its ups and
downs' , it has good moments and bad moments.
My career has had its ups and downs
but I'm doing very well at the moment.
His career has its ups and downs but
he remains as enthusiastic as ever.
If your 'career has blossomed',
it has done very well.
She started out as an office junior
but since then her career has blossomed .
Since I improved the level of my
English, my career has blossomed.
If you have had a 'brilliant
career', you have a very good one.
She's had a brilliant career with
top jobs in several Wall Street firms.
When you look back on your brilliant
career, you must be very proud.
If you have had a 'colorful
career', it has been interesting and exciting.
His colorful career has taken him to
many exciting locations.
As an accountant, you won't have a very
colorful career.
A 'demanding career' is one
which takes a lot of effort and/or time.
He has had a very demanding career
in finance with little time to spend with his family.
I don't want a very demanding
career. I want plenty of time for my hobbies.
A 'distinguished career', is
one which is respected for its extremely high standard.
He had a distinguished career in the
Ministry of Finance before moving to the private sector.
You haven't had a very distinguished
career so far, have you?
If you spend your 'entire career'
doing something, that is all you have done.
I have spent my entire career
working for the one company.
I don't want to spend my entire
career doing nothing but research.
If you have a 'flourishing
career', it has grown and developed successfully.
She has had a flourishing career as
a designer of children's clothes.
I don't seem to be having much of a
flourishing career in this company.
A 'glittering career' is one
which causes excitement and admiration.
His glittering career as an actor has
brought him wealth and fame.
The boss began her glittering career
with the firm as a humble receptionist.
A 'modest career' is one
where there are no notable achievements.
He has had a very modest career in
our auditing office with no real successes or failures.
You've had a very modest career so
far with very little in the way of achievements.
(Notice though that to 'be modest
about your career' means that there are notable achievements but that you tend
not to talk about them.)
A 'promising career' is one
which promises great success in the future.
She has started a very promising
career in the City and we are sure she is going to do well.
I seemed to have such a promising
career when I was starting out but it has all gone badly wrong.
If you have a 'varied career',
you have done lots of different jobs.
I've had a varied career so far,
from policeman to actor.
We're looking for a candidate with a
varied career as this job requires a range of skills.
The top people in a company can be
called 'senior management'.
We need to get approval for this
from senior management.
With my qualifications and experience, I should have a job in senior
Of course, another term for this is 'top
He rose quickly through the company
and had a top management position before he was 30.
The top management of this company
have no imagination or drive.
Not surprisingly, the opposite of
'senior management' is 'junior management'.
He was promoted from the shop floor
into a junior management position.
I feel I'm ready to move up from
this junior management job.
Between 'senior' and 'junior'
management is 'middle management'.
It's time I was promoted from junior
management to middle management.
He rose rapidly to middle management
but was then never offered a senior post.
The group of managers can be called
the 'management team'.
We have a strong management team,
full of high quality people.
We need to improve our management
team to bring new life to the company.
'Aggressive management' means being determined to do well and using strong methods
to achieve success.
His aggressive management style has
upset a few people.
We need some aggressive management
to wake up this sleeping giant.
'Day-to-day management' is concerned with the ordinary and regular issues of a
I spend so long on the day-to-day
management of my department that I have no time to look at the long-term.
You will deal with the day-to-day
management of the company while I work on the strategy.
'Strategic management' is concerned with the long-term of the company.
This company lacks good strategic
management and is just drifting.
You need to spend more time on
strategic management and less on day-to-day issues.
'General management' is concerned with all aspects of the company, not a
specialist area such as Research or Marketing.
You've spent your whole career in
Sales and you need some experience of general management.
You need some time in general
management to get an overview of the company.
If there is 'inefficient
management', a company will not use its resources as well as it should. The
opposite of this is 'efficient management'.
The company is riddled with
inefficient management. Don't work with them.
If we replaced the inefficient
management, we could turn this company around.
'Weak management' lacks the determination to carry out difficult decisions or
This department has suffered from
weak management for the last ten years.
There is a culture of weak management in this organization.
The opposite of this is 'strong
management'. Notice that you can be 'strong' without being
'aggressive' – the first is reactive to events and the second is proactive.
This company needs some strong
management to take on the unions.
We need strong management in this
company, but not too aggressive.
Applying for a job
vocabulary to talk about getting or changing jobs in English:
If there is 'a vacancy',
there is a job available because a new post has been created or a person has
Larry's move to London has created a
vacancy in Marketing if you are interested.
We don’t have any vacancies at the
moment but we will keep your CV on file.
When a post becomes vacant, the
company 'advertises the post' in the press.
Although the post was advertised
last month, we promoted someone internally.
We advertised the post in the
national press last week and have received lots of applications.
If you 'apply for a job', you
send in a CV or letter because you want the job.
Ten people have applied for the job
just from advertising it internally.
I've applied for that job in Glasgow
even though I don’t really have enough experience.
When you want a new job, you send 'letters
of application' to the company concerned.
I've written letters of application
for four different jobs but had no reply yet.
We have received letters of
application from a wide range of candidates.
The candidates who apply for the job
are also known as the 'applicants'.
The number of applicants is very
high. There are a lot of people with the right qualifications and experience.
We do a pre-selection of the
applicants based on their previous experience.
A company can use a 'recruitment
agency' to fill their vacancies
We use a recruitment agency to
advertise the post and do a pre-selection.
There are several recruitment agencies
who specialize in our sector so we can find highly qualified candidates
A 'job description' details
all the duties, responsibilities and personal qualities necessary for a
specific job.
We have written new job descriptions
for all the jobs in our department.
I don't think making the coffee is
in my job description!
Your 'qualifications' are
your academic or professional diplomas.
For a post at this level, we
consider experience to be more important than academic qualifications.
For this post, we give full
training. The only qualification necessary is a high school diploma.
'Experience' is the knowledge acquired through time already spent in
work, in different jobs.
I have a lot of experience managing
a small team and would now like to manage a bigger one.
The best candidates are those who
have previous experience in the food industry.
'Salary and benefits' are what you are paid and the extras you receive in return
for the work you do.
Although the starting salary is not
very high, the benefits include health insurance.
We pay very competitive salaries and
provide some of the best benefits in the sector.
Applying for a job 2
Let's continue learning vocabulary
to talk about getting or changing jobs in English:
Applying for a job may mean filling
out an 'application form' giving your personal details.
If you are interested in the job,
could you fill out this application form, please?
I have completed the application
form for that job and sent it back to the personnel department.
The application form includes your 'contact
details'; your home address, your phone number and your email address.
We have your contact details so we
will be in touch soon.
If you give me your contact details,
I'll call you to set up an interview.
It also includes your 'employment
history' where you list the previous positions you have held with the name
of the company, job title and dates of employment.
I have already held similar
positions as you can see from my employment history.
There are gaps in her employment
history. I would like to know what she was doing during these periods.
A list of previous positions held
needs to highlight the 'relevant experience' showing why the candidate
is suitable for the job.
As you can see from my CV, I have
all the relevant experience you require.
This candidate doesn't have the
relevant experience in our sector but is very well qualified in every other
A 'job description' is drawn
up for candidates giving all the relevant information about the job detailing
responsibilities as well as location and salary.
I don't think that my job
description includes all the task I am currently doing.
We are currently writing job
descriptions for the new jobs being created in the sales team.
After the final interviews, a formal
'job offer' is made to the best candidate.
We hope to make a formal job offer
as soon as we have had replies from your referees.
I turned down the job offer I
received from them because the salary wasn't as good as my present one.
The job offer will include
information regarding salary and 'holiday entitlement'. (British
The holiday entitlement is only 20
days a year but that doesn't include public holidays.
Although the holiday entitlement is
very generous, holidays have to be taken at certain times of the year.
The job offer will also give a 'starting
date' for the job.
I have to work out my notice in my
present job so can we put back the starting date?
Originally they wanted me to start
next week but as I was available, I suggested an earlier starting date.
The job offer will also specify a 'probation
period' at the end of which a new recruit can be dismissed if they are not
suitable for the position.
They let him go at the end of the
probation period.
She is still on her probation
period. We have another two weeks to make a final decision.
Working hours
Learn the vocabulary to
talk about working hours in English:
to work overtime = to do more than the usual hours required by the contract
We aren't paid when we work
overtime, we can take time off in lieu.
We had to work overtime to get the
project finished on time.
to work shifts = to work in teams at different times of the day and night
In today's twenty-four hour society,
more and more people work shifts.
We get paid more when we work shifts
to compensate for the irregular times.
shift work = when groups of workers work at different times of the day
and night
The irregular rhythm of shift work
can be very hard on family life.
Production keeps going non-stop so
we have a lot of people who do shift work.
to be on the night shift = to work with a group during the night, often from ten pm
to six am
It's very hard on the night shift
because I can't sleep very well during the day.
Some people prefer to be on the
night shift because they are at home when the children come home from school.
flexitime = a system where people can vary the start and end times
As we work flexitime, I take the
children to school and arrive at nine thirty.
With flexitime, as long as I have
done my seven hours, I can leave at four thirty.
a roster = a list of who's working when and where
The weekly roster is put up on the board
so that you can see who is working.
Look on the roster to see what job
you are doing.
to have time off = to take vacation or leave
I'd like to have some time off next
month. I need a break.
If you want to have time off, you
have to fill out a request form and give it to your line manager.
to take a day off = to have an authorised absence from work for a day
I had two days off last week so I
have a lot of work to catch up on.
I'd like a day off next week to deal
with some family matters. Friday if that is convenient.
full-time = work a whole working week
At the moment I only work two days a
week but I would like to work full-time.
After the birth of my son, I didn't
want to go back full-time so do three days a week now.
Changes - verbs 1
The vocabulary in English to talk
about the many changes that take place in a company or organization :
'to promote' = to move someone up to a higher position in the
He handed his notice in last month
when he didn't get promoted to senior manager.
She wants to be promoted to
supervisor but doesn't have the interpersonal skills for that job yet.
'to renew' = to make new, to extend the life or replace something.
I originally had a two-year contract
but it has been renewed twice.
We need to renew the work permits
for the foreign workers who have been here a year.
'to lay off' = to make redundant, to stop employing someone
When we closed the warehouse, we
laid off more than fifty people.
Technological advances means that we
have had to lay off more and more unskilled workers.
'to demote' = to move someone to a lower level in the hierarchy
She was demoted after the terrible
changeover to the new accounting system.
Unfortunately, it is almost
impossible to demote anyone who does not live up to expectations.
'to sideline' = to not promote someone, to move them to a position with
less effective power
When the new CEO was nominated, he
was sidelined to another department.
After a period as a very ineffectual
head of department, he was sidelined until he retired.
'to replace' = to exchange one thing for another, to put a person in the
job of someone else.
Ken replaced Tanya when she left to
pursue another career.
When David left, he was replaced by
two people as the job had grown enormously.
'to retire' = to stop working due to ill health or age.
Jack suffers from ill health and has
had to retire early.
The statutory age for retirement is
60 although people often retire early if they can.
'to increase' = to get bigger in amount or size.
Contributions that employees pay
increased faster than salaries so cutting their net incomes.
Even though profits have increased,
we are not in a position to increase salaries above the rate of inflation.
'to expand' = to increase in size, number or importance.
We have expanded our retail
operations very quickly over the last three years.
The company expanded very quickly in
the 1990s but has since stopped growing so fast.
'to restructure' = to organize a business or system in a new way to make it
more efficient.
Currently we are restructuring our
organization and dividing it into five cost centres.
He lost his job when the company
restructured the department.
Changes - verbs 2
Learn the vocabulary in English to
talk about the many changes that take place in a company or organization :
'to streamline' = to improve the effectiveness of parts of an organization,
often by simplifying procedures.
We are streamlining the procedure to
cut the time it takes to deliver to the customer.
Streamlining administration and
giving more responsibility to individuals will reduce costs considerably.
'to relocate' = to move to a new place
Production is being relocated to
Bulgaria next year creating lots of redundancies here.
My company paid all the costs when I
was relocated to my previous job in Scotland.
'to relax' = to make a rule less strict or severe.
Unfortunately we can't relax the
no-smoking ban. The law won't permit it.
We have relaxed the dress code
considerably and now people often wear jeans to the office.
'to enforce' = to impose a rule more strictly or to make people follow a
For health and safety reasons, we
have to enforce the no-smoking rules.
It is extremely difficult to enforce
time-keeping rules without some form of electronic system.
'to adjust' = to change something a little to make it correct or
We are adjusting the salary scales
so that they reflect present responsibilities better.
Salaries are adjusted annually
according to the rate of inflation and the financial results.
'to reduce' = to make smaller in size, quantity or importance.
We have reduced the number of
workers with the introduction of more modern technology.
In order to reduce expenditure in
the department, we have introduced several cost-cutting measures.
'to deteriorate' = to become worse
Morale has deteriorated since the
rumours of closure began.
Sales figures have continued to
deteriorate despite the launch of the latest version.
'to downsize' = to make a company or organization smaller by reducing the
number of people working for it.
The organization has a plan to
downsize in order to reduce costs.
Many organizations downsized during
the 1980s when new technologies were introduced.
'to phase in' = to introduce something in stages over a period of time
The changes in pay scales will be
phased in over the next three years.
The new organization will be phased
in gradually starting here in head office.
'to phase out' = to remove or stop doing something gradually over a period
of time.
That line of products has been
phased out and replaced by the new range.
It has taken us six months to phase
out the old software and introduce the new.
Time off
Learn the vocabulary to talk about
being absent from jobs in English:
to take time off = to be absent from work, at home or on vacation.
I'm going to take a few days off to
visit my parents.
I'm taking Monday off to go to the
dentist and do some jobs at home.
to take a vacation = to take time away from work, especially when you travel
for pleasure.
I'm taking my vacation next month.
We're going to Spain.
I have to take my vacation during
the school holidays because of my children.
to take a sabbatical = to take time away from work to study or travel, usually
while continuing to be paid.
He's on a sabbatical while he does
his MBA. He'll be back next month.
She's on a sabbatical from her job
while she does research for her thesis.
to take unpaid leave = to have an authorized absence from work but without
She's taken some unpaid leave while
she moves house.
I don't have any paid holiday left
so I'd like to take unpaid leave.
to be off sick = to be absent from work due to illness.
When you are off sick, you must
provide a doctor's note.
He has been off sick for a few days
now. I think he'll be back at work on Monday.
sick leave = the time that you can be absent from work, often while
being paid part or all of your salary.
She is having an operation and so
will be on sick leave for the next two months.
When you are on sick leave
prescribed by your doctor, you get paid your full salary for the first three
maternity leave = the period a mother is legally authorised to be absent
from work before and after the birth of a child.
Her maternity leave finishes next
week but she is not coming back to work.
Statutory maternity leave is paid
for up to 26 weeks and can start 11 weeks before the baby is due.
parental leave = the time that a parent is allowed to spend away from work
to take care of their baby.
He has taken parental leave to look
after the baby while his wife returns to work.
You have to work for an employer for
one year to qualify for parental leave to look after your children.
statutory sick pay = the money paid by a company to an employee who cannot
work due to illness.
If you are absent from work due to
illness, you may be able to claim sick pay.
To claim sick pay, you have to have
medical certificate from your doctor stating that you are unable to work.
a public holiday = a day when almost everybody does not have to go to work
(for example in the US July 4th or January 1st).
We have 25 days paid holiday plus 10
public holidays.
When there is a public holiday on a
Thursday, many people take the Friday off too.
Time off
Learn the vocabulary to talk about
being absent from jobs in English:
to take time off = to be absent from work, at home or on vacation.
I'm going to take a few days off to
visit my parents.
I'm taking Monday off to go to the
dentist and do some jobs at home.
to take a vacation = to take time away from work, especially when you travel
for pleasure.
I'm taking my vacation next month.
We're going to Spain.
I have to take my vacation during
the school holidays because of my children.
to take a sabbatical = to take time away from work to study or travel, usually
while continuing to be paid.
He's on a sabbatical while he does
his MBA. He'll be back next month.
She's on a sabbatical from her job
while she does research for her thesis.
to take unpaid leave = to have an authorized absence from work but without
She's taken some unpaid leave while
she moves house.
I don't have any paid holiday left
so I'd like to take unpaid leave.
to be off sick = to be absent from work due to illness.
When you are off sick, you must
provide a doctor's note.
He has been off sick for a few days
now. I think he'll be back at work on Monday.
sick leave = the time that you can be absent from work, often while
being paid part or all of your salary.
She is having an operation and so
will be on sick leave for the next two months.
When you are on sick leave
prescribed by your doctor, you get paid your full salary for the first three
maternity leave = the period a mother is legally authorised to be absent
from work before and after the birth of a child.
Her maternity leave finishes next
week but she is not coming back to work.
Statutory maternity leave is paid
for up to 26 weeks and can start 11 weeks before the baby is due.
parental leave = the time that a parent is allowed to spend away from work
to take care of their baby.
He has taken parental leave to look
after the baby while his wife returns to work.
You have to work for an employer for
one year to qualify for parental leave to look after your children.
statutory sick pay = the money paid by a company to an employee who cannot
work due to illness.
If you are absent from work due to
illness, you may be able to claim sick pay.
To claim sick pay, you have to have
medical certificate from your doctor stating that you are unable to work.
a public holiday = a day when almost everybody does not have to go to work
(for example in the US July 4th or January 1st).
We have 25 days paid holiday plus 10
public holidays.
When there is a public holiday on a
Thursday, many people take the Friday off too.
Useful phrasal verbs 1
Learn the most common phrasal verbs
used in Human Resources in English:
'close down' = to shut
We have closed down the small local
branches and created bigger regional offices.
The factory closed down in the 1970's
because it was too expensive to produce here.
'fight against' = to make an effort to stop something happening
All the workers fought against the
closure but the plant was no longer profitable.
The unions have been fighting
against the proposed changes as they think it will mean job losses.
'go back on something' = to change an agreement
We had come to an agreement but now
she has gone back on it.
The company promised to review the
situation but went back on its word and didn't.
'put back' = to postpone, delay in time
They promised to make a decision
today but it has been put back until next week.
My visit has been put back until a
later date when it will be easier to plan.
'fall behind' = not risen as fast as, fail to do something as fast as
We have fallen behind schedule. It
won't be completed on time.
Our salaries have fallen behind the
national average with the small increase we have had.
'turn down' = to refuse, not accept
We offered a two per cent increase
but it was turned down.
We offered him a much higher salary
but he turned it down and didn't join our team.
'fill in for someone' = to replace someone during an absence
I need to brief the person who will
be filling in for me while I am on maternity.
I filled in for Jamie while he was
on holiday.
'back someone up' = to support or to help
Whenever there is a dispute with
someone in my team, my manager always backs me up.
Nobody backed him up when he said he
had been discriminated against.
'work out' = to calculate
I don't know how much holiday I have
left. I need to work it out.
We need to work out how much this is
really going to cost.
'drag on' = to last a long time, go on longer than anticipated
The negotiations are dragging on. I
think we'll never reach an agreement.
The meeting dragged on and on. I
thought I'd never get home.
Common Phrasal Verbs 2
In English, we use a lot of phrasal
verbs. These are verbs with more than one part; the verb and one or two
particles. Let's continue looking at some of the most common in the area of Human
'get on' = to have a good relationship
I don't like my boss. We just don't
get on.
The atmosphere is terrible. He
doesn't get on with his co-workers.
'follow up' = to find out more about or take further action on
Before we offer her the job, we need
to follow up on her references.
The training is followed up by
regular refresher courses over a six-month period.
'set up' = to arrange for an activity or event to happen
I'd like to discuss it further. Can
we set up a meeting?
I've set up interviews with the
remaining three candidates.
'make up' = do or pay extra to cover a difference.
I'd like to leave early on Friday.
I'll make up the time next week.
There was an error in your expenses.
We'll make up the difference next month.
'hand in' = to give something
He's leaving at the end of the
month. He has handed in his resignation.
I haven't handed my time sheet in
yet. I must do it now.
'work out' your notice = to continue working through the period after
you have resigned.
They asked him to leave immediately.
He didn't have to work out his notice.
He negotiated a deal so he didn't
have to work out his notice and could leave sooner.
'sort out' = to resolve
We don't know who is going to
replace Sue. We have to sort it out soon.
I have finally sorted out the error
on the time sheets. It's all correct now.
'carry on' = to continue
We still haven't found a suitable
candidate. We'll have to carry on looking.
Until we get the new software
installed, we'll have to carry on using the old.
'back out' = to decide not to do something previously agreed.
They had agreed to do it but then
backed out.
He had accepted the post but backed
out at the last minute so we're considering other candidates.
'go with' = to adopt or support an idea or plan.
I think your idea is a good one. I
think we should go with it.
We're not really sure which agency
to go with. We don't think any of them are really what we are really looking
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